C 06.2007 по теперішній час (17 років 8 міс.)
В компанії: American Life Insurance Company , Київ Посада: Controller/Chief of Finance department (8 person) Функціональні обов'язки: All internal and external reports, control for accounting department
Controllers report: BUDGETS AND PLANNING: IT Project Reporting - D&E Projects (Qtrly), IT FM Template (Mthly), OPEX Variance Analysis for World, Prior year Actual Expense Study and Analysis, World OPEX MD&A Report Complete, HO OPEX MD&A Report Complete. MANAGEMENT REPORTING
Monthly Byline Estimate/Narrative, Quarterly Preliminary Estimate 1 NARRATIVE Due From Field, Quarterly Preliminary Estimate 1 (Full ByLines USD) Due From Field, Quarterly Final Estimate 2 NARRATIVE Due From Field
Quarterly Final Estimate 2(Full By Lines USD) Due From Field
Forecast of 2007 Year End (Separate Quarter 3 and Separate Quarter 4)
Narrative on Actual including Final By Line.
SALES PRODUCTION REPORTING. Monthly Production Report template (MPR)
INTERNAL CONTROL AND OTHER. Quarterly Controller Report Questionnaire.
C 01.1998 по 06.2007 (9 років 5 міс.)
В компанії: “Schering AG” Pharm. company , Київ Посада: Financial Manager /Controller Функціональні обов'язки: Carrying out all scope of chief accountant. Responsibilities, transformation of accounting system into international standarts, program specification for programers, cost centres control, financial analysis, reporting to local tax authorities and head office abroad, compiling financial statements, budgeting and control budget to actual, maintenance of all accounts, Financial planning, presentation under top management company, organized internal financial training.
C 01.1995 по 01.1998 (3 роки )
В компанії: “Biocon” , Trade of medicines, Київ Посада: Accountant Функціональні обов'язки: Foreign contracts, control of payments from abroad. Store accounting, consign and bonded warehouses accounting. Monthly sales per customer accounting. Pay roll, trial balance. Significant number of transactions, broad assortment of goods.
C 01.1993 по 01.1995 (2 роки )
В компанії: Analitic, Київ Посада: Auditor Функціональні обов'язки: Audit Industrial sector.